To address the soil quality, I have several techniques that have produced incredible results, some I will address here and a couple of others that need their own dedicated pages.
First, I must say I have been blessed with 4 horses that produce copious amounts of a wonderful manure. Horses are the only producers of garden manure that do not harbor animal to human pathogens, unlike chickens, pigs, or cattle. To prevent a lot of grass weed, which is usually what comes up in horse manure, just be sure to keep your compost pile really hot by keeping it moist and covering it with black plastic, and give it at least 6 months to decompose. You'll have literal "black gold" if you do it right.
To start preping new beds I dig down into the clay at least 6 inches to level out each bed and to create a well to hold rain water at the plants' root base. Clay drains slowly, so digging a shallow pit for each of my beds allows rain water to collect and be absorbed up into the garden soil rather than running down the hill.
To keep the soil from being washed downhill during heavy rains, I abut the downhill side of each bed with bales of straw. This is a neat way to expand your growing area since you can grow a lot of veggies directly in these bales. This is also great for beds where you want to grow vining plants like squash or melons. The vines LOVE hay bales and it keeps the fruit up off the ground and easier to harvest. At the end of the season, the bales can be turned into the beds for the following season or used as a mulch cover, or burned.
(See "Terra Preta" for some great info on burning and charring.)

Once the piles have been built, I burn pine cones, small branches, agricultural refuse, and garden clippings right on top of the piles. This adds bio-available carbon to this soon to be garden soil. Then I incorporate leaves from the woods and lots of kitchen extras via my compost feeding stations.
(See "Tea Anyone?" for a cool and simple compost/manure tea system you can make for free.)