A few local farmers and non-produce vendors have organized a winter market that will be available every Saturday through Spring if we have enough produce to sell.
We are meeting every Saturday from 11:00 - 12:00 pm at Elrod's Garden Center. We are working this a bit like a CSA where you will need to place an order 1 week ahead for some products, such as my breads and cheeses. Susan Breen is managing that aspect of the market via email. Her contact information is below.

I am limiting my bread orders to 4 types each week through the email program, which include Multigrain, Whole Wheat, "Black & Bleu" Bleu Cheese & Walnut, and of course "Gordo the Greek" olive loaf. Other types are available with minimum orders. Email me (Shannon Davidson) at tufty68@gmail.com for more info, or visit my bread site at www.twistedbreads.com.
Thanks guys. Hope to see you next Saturday! Don't forget to contact Susan to be added to the email order and update list.
Market contact: Susan Breen
I will be harvesting a larger amount of produce on Friday for Saturday's Farmer's Market if the weather forecast remains the same. We are supposed to have below freezing weather Friday and Saturday, and we expect to lose a fair amount of produce.
Please tell your friends and family to come down to Elrod's between 9:00 - 12:00pm to buy what we bring, as this may set us back a couple of weeks as far as what we can bring to the market for a bit. I will also be bringing bread, so spread the word!