Even though Spring is still out of reach, at least the snow and ice have melted, and we've had a couple of days where at least the sun was out, even if it didn't get much above freezing. And of course we're supposed to get more snow tomorrow night.
So I am trying to cram as much prep time in as possible. Today I dug 2 more potato beds, charred several other beds, and weeded and worked the over wintered beds, checking on my winter veggies. that was a bit disappointing.
My veggies have struggled all Winter against ice and snow, only to succumb now to what appears to be a single hungry bunny. I scared him up out of my bok choi bed a couple of weeks ago, but apparently I wasn't scary enough to keep him away, and he's been busily keeping my greens nicely trimmed of any new growth. (sigh...)
But even with the dismal outlook for any fresh greens this Spring, there are little glimmers of hope. My Russian Kale and baby Collards are hanging tough, and their wilted frozen leaves have given us an opportunity to make a new friend.
"Pardon" our rescued Simbrah calf has discovered that we aren't as scary as she thought we were. We've been working on getting her used to us being around her, and trying to get her to come when she's called. Every time she moves toward us and comes within a foot or so, she gets a yummy green leaf.
Even though that part's going well, as you can see in the pic, I haven't really been able to touch her without her backing away in fear. But today we had a breakthrough. She came up to me and was begging me to go pick her some greens. She sniffed my hands, gave me lots of licks, and for the first time didn't bolt away.
Of course I obliged, and for the first time I was able to sneak in a few pets on her muzzle while she nibbled. It was great to see her so relaxed. Finally! Never underestimate the power of green!
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